Notifications to the authorities
Employers who hire new employees are subject to statutory reporting obligations to various authorities. If an employee is hired for the first time, you need the company number. You can obtain these from the Employment Agency.
When the employment relationship begins, the employee submits to the employer the registration certificate of his health insurance fund. The employer has the obligation to report to this health insurance fund within two weeks of the beginning of the employment relationship. If the employee does not present a membership certificate, the employer registers the employee with the health insurance fund with which he was last insured. If the employee does not have health insurance and does not want to use the right to vote in the health insurance, the employer selects the fund and must inform the employee about it.
Your employees are obliged to present the social security card at the beginning of employment in the company. If this does not happen, you must ask your employee to do so. In order to combat undeclared work and illegal employment, employers in certain sectors of the economy will have an obligation to report new workers electronically immediately as of 1 January 2009 (immediate notification).
In the event of a major change in status, such as marriage, tax class changes or pregnancy, this must be reported as soon as possible - also for the direct benefit of the worker.
Questions and answers
A staffer announced her pregnancy. When must it be reported to the competent authority?
You must submit immediately the pregnancy notification after the announcement of the pregnancy by the mother to the competent body of the State Directorate of Saxony according to § 5 of the maternity protection act.
An employee has announced her pregnancy. What information does the competent authority need?
The following information should be included:
- Name, address and date of birth of the expectant mother
- Prospective day of delivery
- Information on daily and weekly working hours, location and length of rest
- Information on the activity and type of remunerationThis notification can be reimbursed informally or on a preprint by the employer.
Opportunities for businesses by ElterngeldPlus - DIHK
Benefits and opportunities for companies offering extended parental benefits to employees
Single parents leaflet - Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Extensive information for the case of single parents
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Leaflet child allowance - Federal Central Tax Office
Leaflet on all tax aspects of the child benefit for working
Federal central tax office
Cooperation with local authorities - Bertelsmann Foundation
Help and guide to working with cities and towns
Bertelsmann Foundation
Helpful Links

Amt24 - State of Saxony
Service website of all offices of the federal state Saxony


SMJ - Sächsisches Ministerium der Justiz, Sicherheit, Steuern, Finanzen
Hospitalstraße 7
01097 Dresden

SMWA - Sächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr
Wilhelm-Buck-Str. 2
01097 Dresden

Deutsche Rentenversicherung Mitteldeutschland
Georg-Schumann-Straße 146
04159 Leipzig