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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement


More and more companies are turning to the topic of family-friendly personnel policies due to the competition for specialists and executives. A "family-friendly employer" quality seal as an award helps companies present themselves as an attractive employer and bring family-friendly engagement to the public. Employers receive professional support for their personnel policies in terms of family-friendliness and life phases. The seal not only shows the family-friendliness in the company, but can also give impetus to positive change processes.

There are some important prerequisites for the seal of quality. This includes how credible and visible the company presents itself as a family-friendly employer. Reconciling work and family life for workers is a prerequisite for family friendliness.

Means of implementing family friendliness include:

  • Clear reconciliation of family and work
  • Appropriate support services for employees
  • Flexible working time models for employees
  • An appropriate corporate and management culture
  • An established internal communication

The examination procedure lasts a maximum of four months and consists of a detailed company questionnaire, a short questionnaire for the employees and an on-site appointment.

The cost of certification depends on

  • Company size (How many employees, recent reporting to professional association)
  • The number of decentralised branches and
  • The effort of the exam

Prices (excluding VAT) for initial certification are staggered by € 980 (up to ten employees) to € 18,000 (more than 5,000 employees)

Questions and answers

How long does the certification process take?

The process takes between three and four months and does not place an additional heavy burden on companies.

Established and recognized certifications not only testify to the corresponding efforts of the companies, but also significantly improve the external perception.

Part of each certification process is intensive testing and consultation on family-friendliness, which allows for directly actionable measures.



Bertelsmann Foundation flyer

Detailed information brochure on the certification of the provider


German Institute for Quality Standards and Testing e. V. Contract

General information brochure for the certification of the provider

DIQP German Institute for quality standards and testing e. V.

Bertelsmann-Stiftung Broschüre

Short information brochure for the certification of the provider

Bertelsmann Foundation

berufundfamilie.de brochure

General information brochure for the certification of the provider

Professional and Family Service GmbH

berufundfamilie.de Audit

Procedure of a typical certification audit

Professional and Family Service GmbH

Helpful Links

Examination and award of family - friendly employers

Supplier of Employer Attractiveness Certifications

Institute for testing and certification of family - friendly standards