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Family and work

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Trimester 1


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Within the first trimester, most women learn of their pregnancy. Depending on whether you have become pregnant planned or unplanned, some questions and decisions will come up to you.

Planned PregnancyIf you are planned to be pregnant it is probably primarily joy that accompanies you now. But also some questions concerning the future arise now. Also in relation to your work. When it is important and right, or if it is even a duty to inform your employer. What duties your employer has now. What duties you should know and observe so that the compatibility of family and career can work. Not only during pregnancy, but also afterwards.

Unplanned pregnancyIf you are unplanned pregnant, there are a lot of questions that sometimes have little influence on your work. The first and probably clearest question is whether you want to keep the child or not. For this decision there are counselling centres that help you to ask the right questions and support you in this way. But also in discussions with third and other steps these help you gladly.

Questions and answers

When do I have to report the pregnancy to the employer?

For your own protection, you should not confront your employer with your pregnancy before the 12th SSW, as the risk of miscarriage is still too high at this point. If you have survived the first three months of pregnancy, however, you should inform your boss and, if necessary, present a certificate from your doctor or midwife stating the expected date of birth. No expectant mother is obliged to immediately inform her employer of the pregnancy. However, she will then not be entitled to the measures regulated in maternity protection. Only when the employer reports the pregnancy to the state occupational safety or trade supervisory authorities will he be obliged to comply with the Maternity Protection Act.

The delivery date is usually determined by the obstetricians and Gynecologists. This calculates based on a recognized formula, when to get your baby to the world. However, most babies come to the world in the two weeks before or after the date.

The maternity leave begins six weeks before the expected date of childbirth.

Pregnancy conflict counselling can help to discuss hopes and fears and make a viable decision. Whether you decide to give birth to the child or to abort the pregnancy - in any case the pregnancy conflict counselling also includes the offer of aftercare. Everything that is discussed in the consultation is subject to confidentiality. If you are considering an abortion, you are obliged to take part in conflict counselling at a recognised pregnancy conflict counselling centre or at a registered doctor's office with state recognition for pregnancy conflict counselling. Irrespective of the outcome of the conflict counselling, a counselling certificate will be issued at the end of the interview. If you decide to have an abortion, this certificate is a prerequisite for an unpunished abortion.

There is no need for physical regeneration in a miscarriage, as is the case with childbirth. However, women who have suffered a miscarriage are not unprotected, but are entitled to medical care and treatment according to the general regulations.



Guide to maternity protection
