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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

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The balance between family and work is not always easy for people without family responsibilities. You are often asked to do more than you can afford in your profession. A work-life balance will then be difficult. The aim of work-life balance is to reconcile working life and private life. There are different ones for this. possibilities, both for physical and psychological balance.

Neglecting your own private life seriously affects your health. The consequences are often burnout or signs of exhaustion such as tinnitus. It is alleged that neglecting your private life does not put a job at risk, but that is wrong. As soon as your health suffers, your performance at work, in addition to family and friends, suffers. It is important that you set goals that you can achieve.

After the tension at work, relaxation is required: take a bath, listen to relaxation music, spend some sport during housework, spend time with children or friends and the like. Make fixed dates for cinema, theater, sports, food etc. These appointments should be just as important to you as your professional. Time management is the most important thing here. Planning your appointments accurately and correctly brings time for private things. Physical health is also important. Do sports, eat healthily and take time out.

Questions and answers

Where can I get help in case of overload?

You should definitely consult a doctor if even holidays and leisure time are no longer sufficient to regenerate yourself. Your family doctor should be your first point of contact. He can refer you if necessary if you need further specialist medical or psychological care. Outpatient, day-care or inpatient psychotherapy can be useful, depending on how severe the effects already are.
You can also turn to self-help groups. Conversations and exchanges with other patients can help.



Apply for family pass of the Federal State of Saxony

Parents with three children or single parents with two children can apply for the family passport of the Free State of Saxony. The family pass is independent of income and allows free access to state institutions such as collections, museums, castles and palaces.
Send to: Stadt Dresden, Abt. Bürgerservice

Amt 24 vom Bundesland Sachsen - amt24.sachsen.de

Burnout quick test

The test consists of 18 questions, which you should answer to recognize first signs.

Rehab Center BB-www.rehazentrum-bb.de

Modern stress management: how to get your life back in balance

In 70 - 90 % of all diseases stress is the cause, burnout and depression are often the consequences.


Apply for support for family recreation

This state subsidy is intended to enable low-income families to spend time in recreation under certain conditions. The health of all family members is strengthened by a common family vacation and promotes the family community.

Amt 24 vom Bundesland Sachsen - amt24.sachsen.de

Helpful Links

Having a relaxed time together is indispensable for families. Especially family-friendly holiday conditions offer family holiday resorts. Cheap and family-friendly accommodation with their offers consider the special needs of families.

Facts about Burnnout from the trade union Verdi