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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement

For employers

As an employer, you can use further training within the company. The training of your employees increases the innovative strength and future viability of the company. Also appreciation for the willingness for further training and lifelong learning is associated. A promotion can take place in the form of financial support or by flexible working. Training time should be always working time. As a result, you show your appreciation for the motivation of the employee, to educate themselves. A special challenge is to integrate the employees even after the training to the company. This can happen for example in the form of a contractual agreement.

There are different ways of education and training:

  • Catch up of school-leaving certificates parallel to the profession
  • Combination study and occupation as a student
  • Part-time study or distance learning
  • Training during family-related breaks

Questions and answers

What is educational leave?

These are days on which the employer must give his employees paid leave for further training. The entitlement applies in addition to the normal leave days. The number of leave days varies from state to state. The course must be recognised for educational leave. The content of the training does not necessarily have to be directly related to the employee's activity.
Unfortunately, there is no law in Bavaria and Saxony, so employees in these federal states have no legal claim to educational leave.



Leaflet and training contract for reimbursement clause in training

Admissibility of refund clauses in training are discussed in this document.

Building industry association Lower Saxony - www.bvn.de

Continuing education in operation with concept

A guide in four building blocks for small businesses and organizations.

EUL-Gombert & Gombert GmbH - www.egcom.de

Further education check - operational (flyer)

Funding opportunities of the state of Saxony in the area of in-company training.

Sächsische Aufbaubank - www.sab.sachsen.de

Further education check - individual (flyer)

Funding possibilities of the state of Saxony in the area of individual further education.

Sächsische Aufbaubank - www.sab.sachsen.de

Human resources development and training - a study of "Quality of work and economic success"

Continuous training, qualification and development of your employees ensure that future requirements in particular are met.

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) - www.bmas.de

Helpful Links

Article on how employee training can also have tax implications

Article on how employee training can also have tax implications

The portal for vocational education and training

Information on the subjects of education, study, research in Saxony.

Regional search for continuing education seminars and courses.

Employees or jobseekers - those who want to continue their education are in good hands here.