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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement

Hotel / hospitality / tourism


architecture 3140282 - photosforyou, CC0

The hotel, catering and tourism industry is characterized by service to the guest. These can be guests in a restaurant or hotel, but also in a holiday destination. In this branch all professions which have to do in any way with the guest and services for him are covered as far as possible. This can be with direct contact to the customer, in addition, as pure service or administrative activity. Trading in travel or tourist services also falls within this sector.

The hotel and catering sector in particular is characterised by very different working models. Seasonal work, working shifts and very long working hours are unfortunately the rule here. Only purely administrative or commercial activities in this sector allow for regulated working hours, which are based on normal office hours. The sector also ranks among those that work most with lateral entrants or temporary workers. The working conditions and payment are very dependent on the level (e.g. distinguishable after the principle of the hotel stars) of the respective enterprises and enterprises, particularly in the hotel and catering trade.

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