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Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund DGB

Logo vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund

German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB)

The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) stands for a solidarity-based society. It is the voice of trade unions towards policy makers, political parties and associations in federal, State and local authorities. He coordinates Union activities. As an umbrella organisation, it completes any collective bargaining agreements.
Since its founding in 1949 it is committed to the principle of a United Trade Union. It is pluralistic and independent, but by no means politically neutral - such as his partner -. He occupies a position in the interest of the employees.

The DGB member unions negotiate collective agreements with employers, including income, hours of work, holidays, they organize a strike in the event of an industrial dispute and pay strike compensation to members.
Assist in the establishment of works councils, assist workers in conflicts in the workplace, and represent them in disputes with their employers, Union members enjoy free legal protection.

Keithstraße 1 / 3
10787 Berlin