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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement

Kita and nativity

Children up to the age of three are cared for in the nursery. Children between the ages of three and six can be accommodated in day-care centres or kindergartens. Basically, there should be a crèche or kindergarten place available for every child from the age of 1. Since 1 August 2013 there has been an unconditional legal entitlement to a childcare place for children from the age of one, § 24 SGB VIII (Social Code Book VIII). Nevertheless, you should take care of a childcare place for your child at an early stage.

There are municipal, church and private-sector childcare facilities. In addition to pedagogy and services, the costs also vary. Find out for yourself what suits you and your child best. A childcare place close to your everyday environment or even close to your workplace would be ideal.

Questions and answers

When does the child have to stay at home if he or she is ill?

  • In the case of infectious diseases, children are not allowed to attend kindergarten under any circumstances.
  • Otherwise the decision lies with the parents.
  • In case of illness of the staff, the facility closes if childcare and compliance with the legal care personnel key can no longer be guaranteed or complied with.

Ideally, the child should be at least one year old when receiving outside care. However, it is not only age that determines when the time is right. The most important thing is that the child is healthy and can feel safe at the time of entry.



Child day care (children up to 3 years), registration for a childcare place

As an alternative to the crèche place, many communities offer care by a childminder. Registration with the city of Dresden (state capital).

Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de

Day nursery (children up to three years of age), registration in a local authority institution

Look for a facility near your work or home. A list of the facilities is available free of charge from the city council.

Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de

Helpful Links

The Kita Education Server offers an extensive offer for parents and educators. In addition to extensive addresses, you will also find a job market and a wide variety of topics.

For child day care in addition to parental upbringing, there is a comprehensive range of child day care and child day care facilities. Further information can be found here.