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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement


Even for the youngest there are day care facilities for children. This gives parents the freedom to practice their profession, for example. Child day care takes place with day mothers in family-like structures. It would also be conceivable to provide childcare in your own home - either as a long-term childminder or as a short-term babysitter. Child day care is usually provided for children up to the age of 3. Some childminders also look after the children until they start school. However, it is important to note that the childcare place costs more than the day care centre. As parents, you then have to bear these costs yourself, with the exception that if the statutory claim for childcare is not met by the public authorities, you may be entitled to compensation claims in the amount of the additional costs of childcare organised by you. Therefore, you should seek advice in individual cases from a qualified law firm.
In all cases, day care is subject to a fee. However, these costs can be subsidised by the city or the employer. For companies, the tax- and social insurance-free subsidy for childcare is one way of financially supporting the employee in childcare. The subsidy is paid in addition to the salary for the care costs of children who are not required to attend school and are in day-care centres or with day-care mothers.

Questions and answers

Children over one year of age have a legal right to care. Why can't I still get a place immediately?

In some regions, there are still not enough places available despite the expansion of care services. In the event of non-fulfilment of the statutory entitlement to childcare by the public authorities, you may be entitled to compensation claims in the amount of the additional costs of childcare organised by you. Therefore, you should seek advice in individual cases from a qualified law firm.

In a day care centre, children are looked after and supported full-time or half-day. This is very similar with day care, except that there is a small group of children who have a fixed caregiver. Due to the small groups, individual care can take place in day care.



Child day care (children up to 3 years), registration for a childcare place

As an alternative to the crèche place, many communities offer care by a childminder.

Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de

Helpful Links

For child day care in addition to parental upbringing, there is a comprehensive range of child day care and child day care facilities. Further information can be found here.

In a brochure, the ministry provides an entry aid for people who can imagine a professional future in day care.

Services for families