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For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement

Heritage and heir


mourning - grealt, CC0

Heirs can be people or so called legal entities. These include associations, foundations and companies.
Who inherits, takes it all. Valuables, company, pet and if necessary also debt. The heritage takes the place of the deceased. It is inherited not only wealth, but also all essential rights. An inherited property may then for example also be sold. Personal rights are excluded as well as business relationships.
The heir must pay funeral and burial. The wish in the Testament must be fulfilled otherwise it can cost the heritage. Immoral conditions can however be neglected. Another heritage obligation is the pay-out of the compulsory part of beneficiaries such as parents, children, life and marriage partners. The State Gets the inheritance tax. The amount depends on the degree of kinship and the amount of assets.

Questions and answers

Are there substitutes if the inherited legacy is no longer alive?

In many cases, § 2069 of the Civil Code (BGB) helps. Thus, the following applies: A child of the testator is named in the will as an heir. If this child no longer lives when the will is opened, the children of the heir usually take its place.

The heir receives not only the deceased's fortune, but also his debts. A decision on acceptance must be made within six weeks of knowing the inheritance.

Yes. The heir can refuse its inheritance and thus loses all claims from the inheritance. A compulsory portion can no longer be claimed.



Information and explanations to the inheritance law

Everything worth knowing about the subject of heirs and inheritance put together in an online brochure.

Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer protection - www.bmjv.de
