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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement



mourning - grealt, CC0

If you want to pass on something, you can write a handwritten will. The headline should contain the words "will" or "my last will". The entire Testament must be written by hand and personally signed with name and surname - a computer printout is not enough. The Testament should be signed with place and date on every page. A younger Testament picks up an older if several exists.

A will determines the succession, the inheritance of the special items, or even the occurrence of a specific person instead of the heir – if this is already deceased. The most important part of the Testament is to determine the heirs by the author. Spouse, children, or any other person can be used as heirs. Here, the wording must be unique.

Questions and answers

Where should the will be deposited?

A will can be kept at home. It is safe to deposit a will in the Probate Court. As a result, it may be opened immediately in the event of death.

With the appointment of an executor, the testator can ensure the fulfilment of tasks and legacies beyond his death. If there are several heirs, an executor can manage the estate.

Pursuant to § 2303 BGB, close relatives of the deceased despite disinheriting may request financial compensation.



Information and explanations to the inheritance law

Everything worth knowing about the subject of heirs and inheritance put together in an online brochure.

Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer protection - www.bmjv.de
