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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement

Financial aid

Recognised disabilities are classified according to a concrete degree of disability. This degree will then be officially recorded on a disabled person's card. This official classification gives rise to a wide range of rights for those affected in different areas of life. The right to receive a wide range of financial assistance in the case of recognised disability is only one of them. This right to support is often not exercised due to a lack of knowledge. One of the financial aids is the assumption of living costs due to occupational disability.

However, personnel support in everyday life - from domestic help to complete care by a nurse - is also covered on the cost side. It is also possible to cover the costs of technical items. Unfortunately, these everyday aids are often very expensive. However, the pension and health insurance funds usually bear these costs - after submitting a complicated application. If restrictions are not officially recognised as disabilities, technical aids such as spectacles often have to be paid for themselves. However, employees are reimbursed for these expenses via the annual declaration.

In addition to the many benefits that disabled people can receive, they are also entitled to the benefits that apply to all people. For example, if their income is low, they can receive housing subsidies. If you have children, you also have a right to child benefit and other support - even longer or more if necessary. There are also foundations that provide special financial support for people with disabilities.

Questions and answers

What is the lump sum for disabled people?

If you want to save taxes, there are two ways. The first way is to keep all receipts, receipts, etc. for the expenses and claim them in detail. The second way is the lump sum for disabled people. Each person affected receives a certain amount of his income tax-free according to the degree of disability. This is intended to cover the additional expenses that become necessary as a result of the disability. If the degree of disability is less than 25, there is no lump sum.



Table with compensation for disadvantages depending on the type of disability

Disadvantage compensations depending on the type of disability, which can be applied for together with the disability card.

beta Institut gemeinnützige GmbH – www.betanet.de

Order for social tariff of the Telekom

Under certain circumstances, people on low incomes and people with disabilities can take advantage of this offer for discounted telephone rates.

Deutsche Telekom AG - www.telekom.net

Apply for a motor vehicle tax reduction for severely disabled persons

In certain circumstances, severely disabled persons may be exempted from taxation for exactly one vehicle. You can find the form here.

Bundesministerium für Finanzen - https://www.formulare-bfinv.de

Apply for a radio contribution, exemption or reduction

You can apply to be exempted from the radio contribution if you receive state social benefits. The same applies to recipients of assistance for the blind and deaf-blind.

Beitragsservice MDR (ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio, Beitragsservice) - www.rundfunkbeitrag.de

Application for nursing aids

In the case of care at home, the person in need of care with a recognised degree of care is entitled to care aids. Apply for the benefit at the care insurance of the responsible health insurance fund.


Guide for people with disabilities

Detailed brochure with all services for participation.

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales – www.bmas.de

In short: the MDK

Task areas and assignment of the MDK briefly summarized for you.

Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenversicherung im Freistaat Sachsen e. V. (MDK Sachsen) - www.mdk-sachsen.de

Application for unemployment benefit II

Every person aged 15 and up to a fixed limit between 65 and 67 who is able to work has the right to this basic pension payment if they are in need of it. Please send the completed and signed application to your job centre.

Bundesagentur für Arbeit - www.arbeitsagentur.de

Table with compensation for disadvantages depending on the degree of disability

GdB dependent disadvantage compensations, which can be applied for with the disabled person's identity card.

beta Institut gemeinnützige GmbH – www.betanet.de

Helpful Links

Web portal for people with disabilities, their relatives, administrations and companies of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Many health insurance benefits depend on MDK assessments. Whether you are unable to work, in need of care or in case of a suspected treatment error, here you will find important information on various MDK assessments.

The care database of the Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection offers a large number of organisations and companies that are active in the field of care.

In short, all the financial possibilities that one can expect from the state as a person with a recognised disability and to which authority one must turn.

Information, advice and addresses

The lump sum depends on the degree of disability.

From applications to validity periods and practical tips.