For employers
Your employees have a big impact on the success of your business. The smaller your business is, the more this factor comes into play by each individual. That is why it is important to find and retain motivated and loyal employees. There are many possibilities for support from the state, for example the federal employment agency. But also recruiters, personal services and temping agencies can support you with their staff. We have put together addresses and links on this topic.
Questions and answers
How do I find suitable staff?
Create a job profile and a profile of the employees and put them together in a job description. Detailed job descriptions are good, as are often only candidates with real interest for the job candidates. There are different ways and channels that you can use for the search. You can search with the own website, newspaper ads, the Federal Agency for work, online job boards, local job fairs, recruiters, personal service and temporary work agencies and with the circle of acquaintances. First indications for the choices can be application documents: the documents of the applicant are full, neat and appealing. If there are gaps in the CV, the reason is important. Formal requirements and qualifications are met by the applicant. The applicant has additional qualifications and can have appropriate references.This is followed by an interview. Lay down a conversation flow you are going through with all the candidates. Where the first impression of the candidate is important. Trying to lighten the mood with General questions such as the arrival. Talk about the curriculum vitae of the candidate and let him explain. Ask for motivation, strengths and weaknesses. You may require a small sample of the work, but inform the applicant in advance. Discuss details of employment and salary.
How do I arrange a personal appointment with potential employees?
Following a selection by letter of application, an interview, asset center or similar usually takes place. The aim of such measures should be that you get to know the applicant through the pure data and facts. Also things like the individual appearance, the outward appearance, personal characteristics and way of working can be considered here. At the latest at such appointments details of the employment contract as well as the possible salary are communicated to the applicant.
Employee retention from the first working day
Brochure on the subject of adjustment and in particular promoting measures of integration of new employees.
Older employees in the operating
A guide for businesses
Federal Association of German employers associations -
Employer services of the Federal employment agency
Education in training and work, comprehensive advice, funding opportunities
Bundesagentur für Arbeit -
First working day - detailed checklist for employers
Summary of the important things on the first working day of a new employee.
Helpful Links
Portal for companies - federal employment agency
The federal employment agency operates a very comprehensive portal with offers for companies and employees.
Motivated employees strengthen companies - IHK Nürnberg
Excerpt of the lexicon of sustainability on the topic of enterprise strengthen your staff
Find, promote and lead good staff - fuer-grü
Collection of tips, hints and suggestions for good personnel management
Motivated employees finding -
Detailed description of the ways to find motivated and committed employees.