In case of violence against children
Child abuse leaves considerable marks on the victim both physically and mentally. It can happen in the family or through strangers. That is why each and every one of us is called upon to help protect children from these dangers.
As an adult you can actively try to prevent the abuse of children. You can only protect if you have dealt with the subject yourself. Knowledge about perpetrators, crimes and especially about victims is the first step to protect your child from them. The subject must not be tabooed in front of children. The openness of adults is important here. Talk directly to the children about possible dangers and rules of conduct for being on the move or using the Internet. Attention is another important point. There are often signals of abuse. That's why you look!
Trust the statements of children. Children rarely lie about crimes they have committed. Find out which strategies perpetrators use to pursue initial suspicions if necessary. Children cannot therefore end the abuse themselves. That is why adults are in demand. Take care of affected children, file a complaint and get help.
Questions and answers
What exactly counts for sexual abuse of children?
In children, this term refers to the intended sexual act with or on children. This includes not only sex with children. Also actions with the intention to of sexually stimulating the perpetrators is part of it.
What can I do if my child has suffered violence?
If you suspect that violence has been done to your child, you should contact professionals for further clarification and assistance. These specialists are counselling centres, the Youth Welfare Office, emergency telephones and the police.
How do I recognize conspicuous behaviour of children?
There are different reactions of children who have been victims of violence
- Hurtful acts towards onse or others
- Withdrawal, fear of contact, lack of emotional detachment.
- Strongly sexualised language.
- Conspicuous playing on your own genitals
- Power loss, abdominal pain, anorexia
Violence against children
A topic that is very often, unfortunately, kept in silent or not perceived. Learn the right way to handle the recommendations of medical professionals.
Saxon National Medical Association-
Helpful Links
About child protection and early aids - SMS Sachsen
Here you will find important information about safe growing up and healthy growth of children and adolescents. The state of Saxony pays a lot of attention to child protection in particular.
When children are victims of violence - Office 24
Here, the State of Saxony informed is what to do when children are victims of domestic violence.
first aid 1882053 - aebopleidingen, CC0
0800-1110333 Kinder-Notruf
Notruf-Nummer: 0800 1110333
110 - Polizei Sachsen
Notruf-Nummer: 110
SMS - Sächsisches Ministerium für Soziales und Verbraucherschutz
Albertstraße 10
01097 Dresden
Anonyme Zuflucht für Mädchen und junge Frauen
Notruf-Nummer: 0351 251 9988