Documents for Emergency assistance
First aid training
In the first step, the first step is to teach the basics of first aid. Further on, there is the first aid training, which is then necessary for the regular refreshof of the knowledge.
German statutory accident insurance - https://publikationen.dguv.de
Victims of violence, seeking compensation
You may receive compensation from the state in certain circumstances if you have been the victim of an act of violence. The terms are governed by the Victims Compensation Act. Please send the application to the Local Social Association of Saxony.
Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de
Apply in court for counseling assistance
You must to be able to enforce or defend your rights. Lack of money should not stop you. In certain circumstances, you can apply for external legal counsel.
Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de
Emergency card
Identify card with all important information for an emergency
Technician Health Insurance - www.tk.de
Emergency checklist
List of necessary data and information with everyone in case of medical emergency
Health portal - www.gesundheitsdiensteportal.de
Emergency wallet
Folder with lots of information for emergencies and emergency preparedness
Hesse - www.hessen.de