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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

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Familienkasse Sachsen

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Family Fund Saxony

The family Fund of the federal employment agency is responsible for the payment of child benefit and child benefit. The family Fund Saxony has its headquarters in Chemnitz.

Postal address:
Family Fund Saxony
09092 Chemnitz

The family Fund Saxony also includes the locations of Bautzen, Plauen, Leipzig and Riesa. In addition to child benefit and child benefit for customers residing in Saxony, the family Fund Saxony is nationwide responsible for child support cases under intermediate - and supranational legislation related to Poland.

Neusalzaer Str. 2
02625 Bautzen

Mon, Tue: 08:00 13:00
Wed: closed
Thu: 08:00 18:00
Fri: closed