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School and degrees

A professional career is always preceded by school or vocational training. Schools and educational institutions differ here in the length of time they spend at school, the qualifications they can obtain, any specialisation they have and the way in which knowledge is taught.

Compulsory schooling begins at the age of six. The duration of compulsory schooling is nine or ten years, depending on the federal state. Especially in Saxony, it is currently nine years. The school landscape is varied, depending on the federal state there are differences. Children in Saxony attend primary school for four years.

After that, there is a change to either the Gymnasium, Realschule or Hauptschule on the basis of a performance assessment by the teachers. In some federal states there are alternative comprehensive schools where children are taught together regardless of their performance.
It doesn't matter which way you go, at the end you get a school-leaving certificate according to the school you attended.

Possible school-leaving qualifications are:

  • School-leaving qualifications in the funding priority Learning
  • School-leaving certificate in the field of intellectual development
  • Lower secondary school leaving certificate / qualifying lower secondary school leaving certificate
  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  •   General qualification for university entrance (Abitur)
  •   Advanced technical college certificate
  •   Study qualification and degree in a recognised dual training occupation
  •   Recognition of foreign qualifications

In vocational schools or colleges, the same school-leaving qualifications can be achieved as in general schools. Here, however, additional technical specialisation is taught in areas such as technology, commerce, graphics, etc. At some of these vocational schools it is even possible to complete part or all of the training leading to a vocational qualification.

Questions and answers

What is the second way of education?

To achieve a professional, you may require a specific degree. You can do every school, even if you are already in the workplace.
While you can do a degree at night school. At colleges, it is possible to completion full-time. The federal employment agency advise you.



Many ways to success

Brochure about the Saxon school system

Federal state of Saxony - www.publikationen.sachsen.de

Application for promotion of voluntary activities

Application for a grant to carry out and promote voluntary services. The horizons of young adults can be meaningfully and effectively expanded in a social and ecological institution. Send application to: Kommunaler Sozialverband Sachsen

Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de

Request for BAföG grants for students at elementary schools, high schools and vocational schools and colleges

Under certain conditions, students can get financial assistance (BAföG) at elementary schools, high schools and colleges.Send application to: City of Dresden, SG education

Freistaat Sachsen (Federal state of Saxony) - www.amt24.sachsen.de

The Saxon school system

The Saxon school system in a map in a simplified representation, without the second education path.

Federal state of Saxony - www.schule.sachsen.de

Helpful Links

Directory including specializations and special forms of schools

Directory including specializations and special forms of schools

Information about adult education in Saxony

The online magazine for parents around learning, school, family life & media literacy. Information about alternative schools: Waldorf, Montessori & Co.

Directory of all educational institutions in Saxony

Information about training up to the general qualification for university entrance.