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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

Accessibility statement

Personal assistance

There are different kinds of care help. Care of children, teenagers to seniors. The care helpers are with all my heart. You create a relationship with the supervised. Stationary, outpatient and in-patient care, there is also a short-term care is possible. There is also for seniors as a support everyday companion and neighborhood helpers. Here is to assess accurately what corresponds to the infirmity of the person to be maintained. The best way to get advice is on your doctor or the relevant health or care fund, as this has to be decided on a case-by-case basis and, last but not least, is also due to financial sponsorship options.

Questions and answers

What services can I expect from the nursing staff?

The services are based on the nursing care level of the person concerned. The higher the degree of care, more intensive care. Here, the activities are categorized by time.

A search on the Internet as well as inquiries in the circle of friends and acquaintances can be helpful. Professional care services can be an option. A permanent solution in the event of severe care can be, for example, fully inpatient care or the use of nurses from Poland or other EU countries through reputable providers. In particular, it is important to respect the social security regulations in order to avoid bogus self-employment and thus undeclared work with considerable recourse claims.



Information sheet "Neighbourhood aid"

Contents: Legal and state law bases
What is "Neighborhood aid"?
Who can be a neighborhood helper?
Which qualification do you need?
How is neighborhood assitence billed?

Federal state of Saxony - www.pflegenetz.sachsen.de

In short: the MDK

Task areas and assignment of the MDK briefly summarized for you.

Medical service of health insurance in Federal Satet of Saxony e. V. (MDK Sachsen) - www.mdk-sachsen.de

Information sheet "Neighbourhood aid" SMS Saxony

Here, the Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection offers what neighborhood assistance means. This refers to the professional neighborly help, for them a qualification need, but also receive a fee.

SMS Saxony - www.pflegenetz.sachsen.de

Helpful Links

Many health insurance benefits depend on MDK assessments. Whether you are incapacitated for work, in need of care or in case of suspected treatment errors, here you will find important information on various MDK assessments.

Find personal advice, advice phones and online advice in your area.

The care network of Saxony is a specialized Web page and of the Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs and consumer protection related to nursing and care.

Caring for people in need of care is a major societal challenge due to demographic change, social change and the lack of caregivers.

The Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection informs about this professional neighborly help and offers a list of course providers.

In the care database of the Pflegeetzes Sachsen of the Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection you will find a filterable list of all nursing services in Saxony.